Big House 4
The Big House 4 is a big deal for car campers and the perfect sized shelter for housing the whole family under one €œroof€�. Big enough for rainy afternoon card games under cover or for road trippin€™ mountain bikers who prefer to stand up in their shelter while changing.
The optional Accessory Vestibule can convert this roomy tent from a simple structure to a cavernous escape from the sun or an unexpected change in weather. Shelter Mode lets you pitch it as a covered shelter without the tent body, and the backpack-style carry bag makes lugging gear from the car to the campsite more convenient than ever.
The optional Accessory Vestibule can convert this roomy tent from a simple structure to a cavernous escape from the sun or an unexpected change in weather. Shelter Mode lets you pitch it as a covered shelter without the tent body, and the backpack-style carry bag makes lugging gear from the car to the campsite more convenient than ever.